Your leading mission-critical industry resource

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 Local Events 

Stay Informed
The organization's goal is to improve end-to-end reliability by promoting dialogue among data center managers, consultants, engineers and end users.​

A Vision for the Future

From exchange topics including future technologies and
their impact on data center management to the support of local STEM education programs, the 7x24 Exchange - Arizona Chapter is committed to a visionary mission.

The 7x24 Exchange is the leading knowledge exchange for those who design, build, use and maintain mission-critical enterprise information infrastructures.

Learn and share about infrastructure technologies, leading-edge best practices and data center operation and sustainability strategies.​

Sign up now to receive our emails and get the latest information on upcoming events.

Leading Knowledge Exchange

With data center industry experts who have successfully developed and implemented the strategies, programs, designs and equipment to sustain and grow technology platforms, there is no other local exchange where you can learn, share, network and advance.​

  • Guest Speakers
  • Technology Updates
  • Data Center Tours
  • Industry best practices
  • Networking
  • Open Forum

Our Mission